设计模式 之 搁浅模式
搁浅模式是行为设计模式的一种,用于规范依赖导入。出自周杰伦歌曲《搁浅》,潜台词为:谁要是敢写import *,就自己走人。
搁浅模式是行为设计模式的一种,用于规范依赖导入。出自周杰伦歌曲《搁浅》,潜台词为:谁要是敢写import *,就自己走人。
How I saved 95% of S3 costs by disabling unneeded versioning and switching to the appropriate storage classes.
Build a receipt and invoice processing pipeline with Amazon Textract, along with SES, S3, Lambda, SNS and DynamoDB.
While working on patching, I found some Log4j memes during breaks.
Rails abstractions (Active Record, Active Job, Action Mailer, Active Storage, etc.) make it easy for developers to integrate with 3rd party service vendors without concerning about service-specific APIs.
Recently I’ve been context-switching between 2 different projects – one in Ruby and the other in Java – and I got a chance to utilize Builder Pattern (to be precise, it’s a variant of the classic builder pattern) in Java, and get impressed by how much simpler the solution could possibly be in Ruby. The…
A comparison between scope and namespace in Rails nested routes, and which one to pick.
With a custom domain, one can send and practically receive emails – in the same fashion of a traditional inbox – leveraging the power of Amazon SES – even though it overkills.
Double-ended polymorphic has_many: :through association in Ruby on Rails.